8 causes of itchy scrotum in men and their treatment

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Itching of the skin of the testicles and around the scrotum — Not unusual. The most common cause is irritation caused by heavy sweating and poor hygiene. The other most common sources of itching are fungal infections and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as genital herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. These infections may require prescription drugs and a doctor's recommendation for a treatment plan, but in some cases you may be able to help yourself.

Abrasion and irritation

Exercising for a long time can lead to irritation, especially due to uncomfortable underwear, seams and folds in trousers. When profuse sweating is added to this, the irritation can become very inflamed. Some common signs of irritation:

  • “raw” skin to the touch;
  • redness or rash;
  • small superficial sores.

How to treat? Itching will be relieved by lotions and powders for intimate hygiene or intended for the care of babies. At night, gauze soaked in healing creams or ointments can be applied to damaged areas. Do not use alcohol-based products. On the day between the inflamed skin and linen, you can lay a bandage or cotton wool, they will prevent friction and absorb excess sweat.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections can easily develop around the testicles in the genital area with poor hygiene and unprotected sex. One of the most common genital infections is candidiasis. Candida fungi always live on the surface of your skin and in the body, but their numbers are not dangerous to health. When favorable conditions are created, their colony grows and can cause infection. This can cause itchy testicles. Another nasty type of fungus, dermatophyte, is also accompanied by itchy skin on the testicles and around the scrotum. Symptoms may include:

  • pain when urinating;
  • burning in the scrotum and penis;
  • swelling, redness of the scrotum or skin of the penis;
  • abnormal smell;
  • dry, flaky skin;
man itches

How to treat? Fungal infections may go away on their own. But it's better not to hope for it. You will need antifungal creams and ointments, and in some cases oral tablets: Amphotericin, Clotrimazole, Cyclopirox Miconazole, Fluconazole, Itraconazole, and other drugs

Genital herpes

This is a viral infection, spread during sex or physical contact with infected skin, causes persistent itching of the testicles, penis and the area around them. Other symptoms of the disease:

  • redness with blisters appear on the penis, testicles of the inguinal region, which, if damaged, can turn into open, but still itchy, sores;
  • pain when urinating (not always);
  • a general feeling of fatigue, malaise, slight fever.

How to treat? The antiviral drugs Valaciclovir (Valtrex) or Acyclovir (Zovirax) are needed during an exacerbation. Treatment lasts about a week, but may take a long time if such viral outbreaks occur frequently.

unprotected sex causes diseases


A bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted. The genital area, mouth, throat and rectum are infected. Gonorrhea causes not only itching, but also swelling of the testicles. Some other signs:

  • Pain or burning when urinating;
  • Discolored or greenish, yellow, or whitish discharge from the penis;
  • Pain in the testicles.

How to treat? With prescription drugs. You should contact a specialist immediately as soon as symptoms are noticed. Long-term complications, including infertility, are not curable.

Genital warts

They are easy to miss because they can be very small. Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. Unlike warts on other parts of the body, these papillomas usually look like small, discolored bumps that may itch, but often do not show up. They are often cauliflower-shaped and appear in large groups, often along with other warts. Appear directly on the penis, scrotum, or quite far from them – on the inner surface of the thigh.

man scratching his testicles

How to treat? In some cases, the warts will have to be surgically removed by freezing them (cryotherapy) or by performing an operation.


A bacterial infection that is spread sexually not only through vaginal, but also oral and anal sex. Chlamydia can cause itchy, swollen testicles. At the same time, soreness and swelling of only one of them is noted, which is one of the most obvious signs of the disease. Other possible symptoms:

  • unhealthy discharge from the penis;
  • pain or burning when urinating;
  • pain, bleeding, or discharge from the rectum.< /li>
promiscuity is the cause of diseases

How to treat? You will have to wait at least a week after treatment to have sex again.

Pubic lice

Often referred to simply as “crabs”, Pthirus pubis are types of lice that live in pubic hair around the genitals or in areas with similarly coarse hair, feed on blood and cannot fly or jump. They spread only through contact with people who have them. “Crabs” do not transmit disease or infection, but cause obsessive itching of the testicles and hairy genital area.

How to treat? Thorough washing and applying over-the-counter medications will kill most of the insects, but you still have to brush your hair to remove the rest. The fastest and surest way to get rid of it is to shave the areas where the lice live.

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A sexually transmitted bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Trichomonas vaginalis. The disease affects women more often, but can be passed on to men if condoms or oral latex pads are not used during sex.

Many people have no symptoms, but the infection can cause irritation or inflammation, and cause discomfort in the genital area. organs and make sexual intercourse painful. Other symptoms of the disease:

  • Itching inside the penis;
  • Unnatural discharge from the penis;
  • Pain or burning when urinating or ejaculating during sex.

How to treat? Multiple doses of Tinidazole (Tindamax) or Metronidazole (Flagyl). After taking the medicine, do not have sex for at least a week.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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