How to put a hickey on the neck – the technique of “stigma of passion”

how to put a hickey on your neck

Hickey is associated with animal passion and an intolerable sensual impulse. Technically, this is a subcutaneous bruise that occurs due to rupture of capillaries under pressure. Sometimes partners leave traces of passion on the body of each other in a fit of wild passion in bed, without realizing it. There are also cases when one of the lovers wants to intentionally “mark” his half. This “sign of ownership” is usually left in a conspicuous place, most often the neck. Such a desire usually occurs in young people who are inexperienced in relationships. And due to their inexperience, many are lost on how to put a hickey on the neck.

Start with theory

The skin on the neck is very thin and delicate, so leaving your “mark” should not be a big deal. Also, don't overdo it. After all, you can deliver discomfort and discomfort to your partner. Then the hickeys will be imprinted with a painful memory for a long time and will not bring pleasure and excitement to the partner. In addition, excessive pressure can lead to rough bruising, which also will not be associated with pleasant sensations.

Technically, leaving a “passionate mark” on the neck is easy. First of all, you should start with caresses, lips and hands. Especially if the hickey will show off on the girl's body. You should start with a kiss on the lips – to lull the partner's vigilance if the guy is going to make a surprise. Next, gently move on to kissing the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, smoothly going down. Holding the girl with one hand by the back of the neck (for the sake of more pleasure and balance, of course), start slowly kissing the neck.

Slightly tilt the partner’s head from behind – this will open up a large area of ​​u200bu200bimpact, in case it goes beyond one hickey. And it is much more convenient and effective to “dance” with your lips on an open neck. Tighten the preliminary caresses of the lips and neck should not be. This can get boring, and both partners will quickly “cool down”, never reaching the denouement. If a man is not sure that he is ready to start directly “torturing” the skin, you can continue to caress below – go down to the collarbones, chest, stomach. Then back to “original”.

As soon as the man has enjoyed the taste of his mistress to his heart's content, “heated up” her nerve endings, and it’s time to start the next steps, you should take a skin area with your lips into the fold. Teeth should not be attached to the case. This may lead to unpredictable reactions. If a man is firmly convinced that a woman loves “harder”, you should still postpone obvious bites “for dessert.” The captured area of ​​u200bu200bthe skin should begin to suck, pressing the lips more tightly to the neck. You can alternate movements with light kisses, as if “calming” reddened skin.

hickeys on neck

For the appearance of a bruise on the neck, 30 seconds of active exposure should be enough. You can spend a little more time to get a rich, vibrant print. It is important not to overdo it so that the pleasure does not grow into discomfort and pain.

A light, perhaps barely visible, red imprint will appear immediately. The next day, a bright purple-red or purple-violet sign will bloom in its place. At the end of the process, you do not need to immediately break away from your lover. It is important to continue caresses with a possible more intimate continuation.

A sharp withdrawal will be somewhat disappointing and will take your partner by surprise. Nobody likes to feel branded as an animal. Let the hickey remain as a reminder of the passion and unbridled desire of the partner. And the presence of the most distinctive sign for this is not enough.

How to get a hickey on your neck - the


Technically, how to get a hickey on your neck is clear. Each person, one way or another, imagines this action in general terms, even if he has never done it. But not everyone thinks about the little things. From the little things, the general impression of the partner about intimacy as a whole is formed.

In the first place in the list of unpleasant nuances is salivation. With active exposure to the skin with lips, saliva flows from the mouth. It is not pleasant that an abundance of juices flow from the partner's mouth and flow down the neck. Therefore, leaving a hickey, it is important to swallow excess saliva in time.

Many young people are so actively involved in the process that they dig into the neck of their spouse thoughtlessly, without stopping for a minute or more. It is important not only to go towards the goal of course – to put a hickey, but also to think about the partner's feelings. It is necessary to take breaks, alternate active actions with kisses, do not get hung up on one area of ​​u200bu200bthe skin for too long. A few seconds is enough for the appearance of a colorful trace on the body of a partner.

How to put a hickey on the neck - the technique of

Stop. If one of the lovers is against noticeable spots on his body, then you should part with the idea. Also in progress. When one partner feels the tension of the other, the desire to push off, or the request to stop, must be stopped. Intimacy, as well as its visual and tangible consequences, must be consensual.

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How to make HICKS

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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